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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Mt. Vesuvius Exploded! (Not!)

We studied volcanoes this week as we read about Pompeii... Buried Alive in Reading. As a culminating project, we wanted to do an experiment to show how a volcano erupts! It was not as awe-inspiring as we hoped, but we had fun! :)

First, we measured the baking soda and put it in the cone.

Next, we mixed vinegar, dish soap, and food coloring for the effect!

Last, we poured the vinegar, soap, and food coloring mixture into the baking soda in the volcano.

Then... it erupted... sort of! The chemical reaction didn't work well! I guess the lesson is that sometimes experiments don't work out!

Okay... we have to try it again!

Well... hmm... There's always other experiments!

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